Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

from Mullet to a Million bucks!

Today was picture day at the school so I thought I would let you have a sneak peek at what you will get in your christmas cards this year.


KatherineWoodin said...

How cute but where is William

Jon Woodins said...

William was asleep in his car seat and this picture was for culy haired kids only, and since Will is still kind of bald he was voted off the island

Shawna said...

SOOO Cute! Erica looks so trendy with those curls and that sweet dress.

Cindy said...

Wow! I don't think you need to traipse down to the school for pictures you have great photo opps right in your own yard. But I will be waiting impatiently for them. Are they here yet?

Cindy said...

Just to interpret my words. Wow means..Your kids are scrumptious! Delicious! and extremely cute!

Camille said...

Awwwww...they are just precious! Erica looks so cute and Hunter slicks up real nice from his onesie and cowboy boots. =)