Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pictures of Wyatt's Blessing Day

These are a few of the pictures we took On Wyatt's blessing day. The Jon Woodin Family Aka Woodin Nickels
L-R Erica 5, William 1, Monica , Hunter 2,
Jonathan, Wyatt 6 wks, Stiles 8, Marcus 6.
Wyatt Logan Woodin

Monica and Wyatt

Jonathan and Wyatt

My Muses
aka My Mess Makers
There they are 6 kids in 8 years 3 months!
What were we thinking?


Unknown said...

Wow, that is quite the crew! What WERE you thinking?!?! =)

Belinda Corp said...

I like the picture of Wyatt on the blanket you made. He looks so alert and innocent. The picture of the kitchen below tells, however, just how long the innocent thing lasts! Love Mom

Cindy said...

What a Cute "Little" Family you have!!