Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Saturday, May 16, 2009

everybody, doff your duds!

Dallan May 16 2009

So another week at the Woodin Nickel Ranch is winding down. We did a lot this week. What we did I am not entirely sure but we still did stuff. This weekend we had our Ward campout. And since it was a combined Priesthood Commemorative and Ward Activity, the Elders Quorum was in Charge of Breakfast On Saturday Morning, so that means Jon was in charge. The Campout was at FMC park, just a few miles down the road from where we live so many members of our ward did the option to SLEEP-AT-HOME but a fair amount decided it would be okay to camp. We Chose to pack up the camper and drive it the 4 miles to the park and sleep at the park so as to set a good example, or just so we could say we used the camper once this year. Jon got up early and set to work getting breakfast on. I stayed in bed for a LONG time before I showed my happy face. I do have to say that it was a fun event and nobody acted like they were going to die after eating Jon’s cooking. I really admire Jon’s ability to get people to do things for him. He had so many guys helping him do all sorts of stuff. I guess it is because he never gives anybody the option of saying “ No” to him. (Maybe that is why I got stuck with him and I am pregnant with our 6th KID!) But really it is such a talent that he has, and I don’t think he even realizes he has it. He always just kind of looks at me when He tells our kids to do something once and they go and do it, and I have asked the kids 4 thousand different times to go do the exact same thing, and they just ignore me!
Hunter was sick this week. Well just on Thursday. He woke up crying, which is very unusual, and then he only wanted me to hold him and cuddle with him which I did do for about 15 minutes. He turned up his nose at breakfast, and then had fallen asleep on the floor by 8:00. So I put him in my bed and he did not move from my bed until about 7 that evening. And he only got out of bed then because I had suggested a bath and then when he didn’t want me to get him out of bed I left him in bed and went to take care of other things and then he thought about it and decided a tubby would be just the thing and came and got me and asked for the prescribed treatment. He fevered all day and into the night until about 1:00 in the morning and then his fever broke and he was fine the rest of the night and up and a ‘em on Friday. I spent a horrible night though because I was so worried about him I was up almost every hour to check on him. Being a mommy means an incredible lack of beauty sleep. We only get desperation sleep, which translated means that “Mommy has to have some sleep NOW or somebody is going to end up in an institution“, (I,e,) Jail, the nut house, the hospital, time out, something like that!
The plants in the green house keep growing, It is warming up outside, but I will not be fooled into planting any of my plants outside until it really is a true Idaho Summer. We do have a good stand of Peas and are starting to see some corn. The Carrots and Radishes are in the dirt and getting watered. The Goats keep on giving us milk and my kids are getting more and more used to the idea that it is Okay to drink. Marcus is still pretty sure that the milk will make him turn inside out, But Erica is being won over. Stiles loves to drink it, and Who knows what Hunter thinks, He still refuses to say any intelligible words to us.
I am of course way behind on my laundry and the house work is not as perfect as it should be but I have been busy smearing texture mud on the walls in my kitchen. I ran across the idea that you could apply texture with a sponge instead of with a big spray gun or roller and I thought I would try It and I have been impressed that I am not making a huge mess with getting extra mud all over my kitchen and the sponged look I am getting on the wall is pretty cool. I am only doing it in small sections though because it does make my arm pretty tired. Who knows when I will really get done and be ready to paint. I am nervous that by the time I get ready to paint that the color I have chosen will be outdated and no longer available!
I think it is funny that you are not allowed to wear your neck ties. And I find it even more funny that even when you were told to take them off you thought it was a joke and wore them for quite a bit longer. I mean if the Government decided that Panty hose was a spreading the swine flu and the sisters were told to take them off… Well… I’ll bet they were not told three times to “doff their duds!”
The church is true, Pres. Monson is our prophet, Christ is our Savior.
Love you, Monica and my mess.
Oh and Grandpa, I am excited that you have water, I am anxiously waiting for the day when I get water.

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