Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hunter is at it again

So I'm thinking of renaming my blog page to Hunter's destructive log. Today -so far- he dumped all of the grapes on the floor,after I specifically instructed him to leave ther grapes alone and had put them away in the fridge. Hunter then hauled inside from the outside a bucket of, you guessed it, Mud. from Stiles and Marcus play time as scientist digging for fossils. Then he began unloading said bucket of mud onto the clean floor in the kitchen and down the hallway to his bedroom. Stiles and Marcus had to help clean up since they left their muddy science projects right outside the door and I had to make them take them outside after they tried sneaking them into their bedrooms two days ago. Their resonses were "Well, It was HUNTER!" While I was almost done vacuuming up the muddy mess I pushed the vacuum into the boys room to get some lose bits of mud that had been tracked in there and found that the dishwashing soap bucket has been hauled out from under the sink, AGAIN, and flung all over the room I had vacuumed 3 hours earlier, AGAIN. Yes Hunter got a royal spanking and had to sit on his bed in time out. But for some reason I don't think I am getting through to him. Any ideas on how to reason with a two year old who is so stubborn he utterly refuses to try and talk!?!


Cindy said...

Wow! You are constantly leaving me speechless! I laughed and cried but most of all felt your pain while reading all your posts. I sure hope that today will be a little cleaner thatn the others.

Camille said...

You're new vacuum cleaner is getting quite the workout since you brought it home. I bet it's saying, "Hey! I didn't sign up for this!! I'm supposed to be used only a couple times a WEEK! Not a couple times every DAY! (You know if vacuum cleaners could talk). =) I'm thinking that if you got a giant safe to lock all your buckets/cans/jars/etc of stuff that can be spread/flung/dumped/etc inside, Hunter would still find a way to get it open. Good luck with all that! Love ya!