Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jon has been busy

Dallan, and all other who might be concerned, then again maybe not! Jan, 13 2009 (wow look at that date!)

Jon has been very busy this week, doing what we are not sure. On Monday I had him cut my hair. And I had him cut a lot off. A foot is a lot of hair for most people, but most people don’t even notice that my hair is massively shorter because it is still past my shoulders. Then On Tuesday I colored it a little bit to lighten up the color. Most people can’t tell that either because I only lightened it a tiny bit but those are the biggest things to report when it comes to my hair.
Jon spent most of the week working on our dodge truck. I guess the fuel lift pump or something like that was toasted after many phone calls to Roy Utah and much talking with some mechanically minded buddies it was decided to lift the bed off of the truck. That would be the EASIEST way to get the pump. But they all forgot about the 5th wheel hitch and then the wiring of all the lights and so on and so forth and then when the truck was in pieces all over the shop they realized that the pump was not located on between the fuel tank and the bed but rather to the side. It was like a 4 bolt job. So the truck is now getting fuel to the engine and runs but the back side of the truck looked kind of messed up still.
In all of these calls Jon invited Martin and Sara to Pocatello to go sledding with us up Scout Mountain on Saturday. They accepted and we had a ball sledding on the hill. Jon and Marin spent half the day getting the snow machines running but nobody complained when they were getting a ride back up the sledding hill. Hunter and Lillian were pretty tired of the whole deal early in the game. But Jon and Martin persevered until the sun was setting. Thank goodness for the warming cabin. When we arrived home Jason and Camille were at out house waiting for us to get there so we could all have dinner. We chowed down on baked potatoes and pork chops. Then Martin and Sara figured they had to get going and so the rest of us jumped in the hot tub it was a fun day.
The Snow had been melting and Jon has been busy pushing the snow back off the pavement in our yard. I think it is funny to watch him run the plow when it hasn’t snowed in days but in reality we are still in a sense digging out from the snow storm that hit the Monday before Christmas.
Mom said in her Email that we got out Christmas Letter from you, and we did. IT is like gold around here. I am thinking of getting it framed, or stuffed. Camille and I were laughing our heads off and Dad didn’t get half of the jokes. Poor guy.
My children continue to do things kids do. William is getting more and more mobile. He is getting up on his hands and toes and pushing and rocking for all he is worth. I hope for my babysitters sake he remains an uncrawler until after Jon and I’s trip to Hawaii. We have been trying this love and logic technique with Stiles to curb his whinny tantrums and fits. If he doesn’t have any all day he can stay up for 30 extra minutes past bedtime. Who knew that it has been working like magic. I just hope the magic lasts. The crazy thing is that he was staying up that late most nights anyway doing nothing now he goes straight to be in fear that he might lose the staying up privilege for the next night. Two birds with one stone. Now I have to talk with my friend that suggested it and find out some more tricks.
Well I am getting to end of this letter I am quite out of news except for this one last bit of information. And I have to call Mom and tell her before I can email you this letter but the big new news is that Jon and I are expecting a baby. Right smack dab in the middle of elk season. (Jon is freaked about that part) That means September for all those who are not sure when elk season is. So That brings the grand total for new babies for Mom this year to 4 when just about 6 weeks ago the number was 0 and that means 9 new kids you get to meet when you get home. It also means that Jason and Nanettes family will not out number us for very long even if they are getting a two for one deal with their twins.

Lots of love
Monica, Jon , Stiles, Marcus, Erica, Hunter, William, and Baby Woodin


Julie said...

Congratulations!!! That is fantabulous. Maybe Jon can get his wish and you will have twins and then you guys will have 4 kids under two. You could handle that because when it comes all down to it you really are wonder women. I'll even throw in a prayer for you that a girl will show up.

Cindy said...

That's exciting news! With all the new babies it makes me want another one.hahaha. I don't want to go back to diapers. Here in Tacoma we can get love and logic books,tapes and video's through the library. So just give your libraries a call and see if they have them.

Heather said...

OH my GoOdNeSs!!!! Congrats! Man, you are making me feel guilty for wanting to call it good with just 4kids! Oh, well. :) That's exciting! And shoot, now I'm feelin the baby hunger!

The Briscoe Bunch said...

Wow Monica you sure are the brave one! Well Nanette makes high in the brave ranking also! I'm so glad someone else having a baby right during elk season so that I'm not the only one getting the second degree like when I had Annalyn.

Camille said...

Ha ha! I'm still laughing at you!