Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

still working for the title

Hunter smeared the contents of those baby bottle ice packs all over himself and the floor. Toilet papered my bathroom. Got into the yummy love lotions and poured them all over the sheets of my freshly made bed.Dumped William out of his car seat. Found the Halloween candy stash, Played in my wet shower with his footed pj's still on then sopped the floors with his wet feet. Threw the contents of Stiles penny bank all over the floor in the kitchen. and Dove into the flour bucket-Again. And this was all in the last 24hours. Watch out Stiles!!


Cindy said...

you should think about locking him up!lol!! Just Kidding!

Julie said...

Wow!!! You are amazing that there were not any bad words in your post. I wish I was more like you, you always seem so calm and never stress out over spilled milk. One of the conference talks were about finding humor in life and laughing off things like this. You might hide it well but you sure are an example to me of its not a big deal why get mad.

Jon Woodins said...

Oh Julie, I get mad, and I yell, and Hunter gets spanked but, What else am I gonna do? I just clean it up and move on. And Yes, Cindy, I do think about locking him up and am so greatful when Night comes and I can put him in his Cage-er- Crib.

Heather said...

Hey Monica! I found your blog he he. Isn't it so fun? My messy one was Mailei who's now 6 1/2 and it is finally getting better, in fact now that I think of it, she's morphed into my neat freak, huh......Hunter is such a doll! Anyway, Happy Day After Halloween! Check out my blog if ya want---