To all those who have been attacked, heard about an attack, or laughed at the attacked. rest assured that you may now visit our home without fears of being attacked by Our rooster. He is no more. And can I just say he was a tough old bird. We put in in the slow cooker for 24 hours! and he was still tough. So even though we made a valiant effort to eat him he was just thrown out.
So I feel dumb, I turned to my kids and asked them if you had a rooster they all in unison said "yes" and proceeded to tell me it just roamed the yard. I must say I was more interested in the company while I was there that a stupid cock-a-doodle-do didn't phase me.(I only called him stupid because you couldn't eat him)lol.
I'm with Cindy. Our heads must be in the clouds I didn't remember you having a rooster either. Us Woodin's are so good at paying attention to details.
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