Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I Love My Family

I am so excited with the fun times I had this last weekend. I was the first to arrive at the chapel for Zac's baptism on Saturday (well except for Mark and Zac) And as I watched the members of the Briscoe family file in to the chapel and had a chance to see all of you. Well I was and still am impressed with all you wonderful people. I'm glad I get to claim you as part of my family. and when we were all seated and We were only missing (to my knowledge) Becky, Cindy, and Lori's family. I felt sad they couldn't be there. And I look forward to the day in heaven when We all get to sit down together and just BE TOGETHER. I Love you all and wish you a wonderful day!


Cindy said...

I love living here in Washington.. The green, camping, ocean and more. But the one thing I miss terribly and would move back to Idaho in a moments notice is my Family and extended Family. We truly have been blessed.

Julie said...

Go Monica!!! First one there flying solo with 5 kids. You Rock. We sure are blessed to have such a wonderful family. Even though you have a grudge against me for standing you up and the sequence of events that followed I am grateful for the results.

Jon Woodins said...

Juile, I love the results! You can stand me up anytime if it always ends up this good.