Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Monday, December 8, 2008

I am a KLUTZ

Dear Dallan, HO! HO! HO! And all you other CRAZY people December 8, 2008
“OH the weather out side is frightful…” Yes that is right it is snowing this morning, not the big peaceful fluffy flakes but the usual Idaho piercing, biting ,coming down sideways, and slashing across any exposed skin kind of snow. But some how it puts us in the Christmas spirit. Last night we were able to listen the first presidency Christmas devotional. It was so much fun to have our kids all around us and listen to the hopeful messages from our prophet and his councilors. I hope you might have been able to her their message as well while you are sunning yourself there in Mexico.
Yesterday we had a big shin dig here at my house. Jason and Camille- well Jason blessed Mckenzie with the help of a lot of great men. And Camille put on a feast afterwards at my house. We were filled to the brim but every one had a little bit of elbow room. I had a ball cleaning my house and getting it all decorated for Christmas and now my task is to go clean it all up again. I am thankful we have such a large family and that we live close enough to all get together and celebrate special occasions. It reminds us that family is the MOST important relationships we can have. Jon and I’s attitude is that we don’t mind the mess because we love the people who keep bringing it. As Jason and Camille were leaving last night I told her she owed me big. And Jason said “NO! You still owe us for helping you move!“ I think he is right and we might be getting closer to even. We did miss you and MJ and Cody but since all of you were sunning yourselves in Mexico we didn’t feel too bad.
My family knows I can be a klutz. I have never felt like I had tremendous athletic ability. But this week shows that I am a major walking disaster in the dark. For starters there is a step in the stairwell up to Jon and I’s bedroom that is just a bit narrower that all the other ones (building codes were not strictly enforced when this house was built) Anyway I am very aware of this step and usually make sure my foot is solid on this step. Early Thursday morning as I am descending the steps in the dark to wake the kids for school I was not fully awake yet and my fuzzy pink slipper did just that. I slipped and fell down the stairs. As I lay at the bottom of the stairs on the cold linoleum kitchen floor and called out “OW! I HURT MYSELF!” No one in the house moved to come to my aid. I called again. And the house stayed silent. I decided that I had not broken anything and the bus was going to come at 7:15 anyway so I picked my fuzzy pink bathrobe clad self up off of the floor and went to work. I did wrench my shoulder pretty good and have been belly aching about it ever since. Then the very next morning about 4:00 am I got out of bed to Put William back into his crib and I of course could not see the open drawer sticking out from under my bed and I tripped over it. Well because I was holding William I couldn’t put my hands out and catch myself so instead I had to drag my leg along the corner of my drawer to get my feet out in front of me to catch myself and the sleeping baby (that was the most important part) So Now I have a long gash that runs the entire length of my shin. It smarts a little bit especially when the kids try to climb up my legs into my lap. Moral of the story I should stay in bed!
So those are the best stories I have for the day. But I do have to let you know that Jon just came in and asked what I was doing. I told him that I was writing to my brother. He asked if you had ever written a letter to me. You of all people know that the answer to that is in the negative zone. I told the truth and he called you a loser for not writing back. I told him that I have threatened you with no more letters if I did not receive a letter for Christmas. He did not seem convinced. I defended my sitting on his computer to write letters with the attitude that these letters go to all of my brothers and sisters and that his family also read them on our blog page. He still seems upset that I was sitting in his chair in the office. SO SELFISH! No not really. Jon is a sweetheart. He even brought me the prettiest pink roses on Saturday night just because
he loves me. What an awesome husband. (You could take a few notes for when you get married)
All the kids are doing well. They are counting down the days until Christmas with gusto and are beyond hyped up about the whole Christmas celebration. Jon and I are a little bit tickled about the season too.
Marcus birthday is next Sunday and we are planning another big shin dig at our house to celebrate him turning 6 you are invited but I think it is a little bit out of the mission boundaries. I can really not believe that he is 6! It feels like just yesterday he was playing baby Jesus in the family Christmas pageant. Now he is a wise man.
Keep up the good work and when you need a little pick me up remember Elder Eyrings talk about their family Christmas pageant and how Samuel the Lamanite was having to dodge the balls of tin foil. It definitely makes you think that if that kind of thing happens in the home of one our apostles then our home may not be to far lost to the adversary! We love you . The Church is true. Christ Lives! He died to save us all. And with out Easter there can be no Christmas. Love Monica.

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