Dallan Dec 15, 2008
Well another week has managed to escape me again. And No I did not get my house all put back together after the shin dig for Mckinzie. I might have if I had been a bit more diligent and if my kids were a bit slower on the search out and destroy mission they always seem to be on. I did manage to get my Christmas letter finished and I took them to the post office this morning and yes I even got yours posted. So it will be a bit late but if you got all of your holiday cheer in one day you might burst. So my letter might be more of a new years glad tidings message.
Yesterday was Marcus 6th birthday. It is crazy in my mind that 6 years ago I was looking at my alien eyes child and then he morphed into a lemon head ,and then this silly little blond kid, into my cowboy, and now he goes to Kindergarten and is usually instructing all of us about the rules and showing me how he can read! Anyway we invited all to his party, but apparently you were a no-show AGAIN. Camille backed out at the last minute something about really bad snow and ice covered roads. (wimp) But we did end up with a bunch of little cousins and we ate and had the blue cake that Marcus had requested. His main request for his birthday was a bike. A green one. Well I frosted his blue cake and with green frosting drew a bike. As he blew out his candles I pointed out that on his cake was his green bike. While Jon wheeled in the shiny new specimen, under cover of a blanket. Marcus was thrilled. However I think he is twice as jazzed about the bow and arrow set that Stiles got for him at the dollar store. He has been hiding behind corners and shooting at us all day. Even the piece of cardboard that the plastic bow was attached to has gained a reverenced spot in his bedroom. It doesn’t matter that Jon forked over $60.00 green backs for the begged for bike the cheep bow and arrow set that will be broken and dead before Christmas still ends up the biggest winner. I think the Bike might have been a bit more favored if it wasn’t single digit temperatures outside and there wasn’t a bunch of snow everywhere. I keep telling Marcus to get bundled and head out to the big shop but I think he is waiting for Stiles to show up.
Speaking of Stiles, I got a call from the school today, apparently Stiles had a accident in PE that involved some kind of board. IT hit him in the face and made a gusher of a bloody nose and cut his lip. They were requesting new clothes for him since his were pretty messed up. Jon ran over to the school to deliver a new shirt and brought back the sweatshirt that was very much indeed covered in blood. Jon said that it looked like someone had whacked him with a two by four down the center of his face. I am expecting a fairly bruised up little guy to get off the bus today. Oh the joys of childhood and the dangers of PE.
Speaking of PE Marcus said the funniest thing yesterday in church. MR. Bybee the PE teacher is in the other ward that meets in our same church building. Yesterday we saw him as we were getting ready to leave. Marcus said “MOM. That is Mr. Bybee, HE knows everything.” I thought it was great.
Speaking of school teachers and Plays, On Saturday Jon and I had a real live date. We drove to Blackfoot and dropped the kids off at Jason and Camilles, Then we had dinner and went to the Nuart theatre to see Jason in his play. IT was perfect casting in my opinion. Jason was Cast as the father who would rather not have anything thing to do with the Christmas pageant at the church. IT was so fun to watch him. The Play was done almost entirely with kids from the JR high where Jason teaches. When it was Jason’s turn to take his bow the kids on stage with him literally went wild with applause. IT is very evident that they really enjoy having Jason as their teacher.
I am in the process of weaning William to a bottle. IT seems to be going well. He is not to stressed with the idea and it is making things a bit easier on me. I wouldn’t be trying to wean him so early in his babyhood but Jon and I are going to Hawaii the end of January, and they don’t allow kids on the trip. So Will has to stay behind. And I think my babysitters will like me a whole lot better if he is already okay with the idea of a bottle before I abandon him on them.
Hunter is a true Hudini when it comes to getting out of his crib/cage. It is very much time to move him into a toddler bed. Jon and I have great plans for this for Christmas. Erica is getting a full size bed and Hunter will be moved to her Toddler bed. This means we have to change the pink theme of her bed to something a bit more masculine. SO Santa’s elves have agreed that in the dead of the night on Christmas Eve, we will be painting and rearranging furniture until Jon and I are sure we don’t like each other anymore. It should be a great Christmas to remember.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that we love you and we pray for you always. WE miss you. And are looking forward to your hump day. It is coming up. But you already knew that. Wanted to say Merry Christmas and that we are so proud of you and are thankful for your example.
Love Monica , Jon and 5 helpful little elves.
Codys Missionary Adventures!
4 years ago
1 comment:
Sounds like your life is blessed with love,kindness and what would we do without chaos? Have a great Day!
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