This last week was much like the last one. COLD Not much sunshine and Lots of wind. However I had a big handful of daffodils bloom and my daughter made sure that it was indeed a handful and went out and picked everyone of them on Friday and brought them to me. They are lovely on my table.
My Kid goats continue to grow and follow me around. They really are a lot cooler than a dog. They don’t bark. They call me “MAAA” and they eat all the weeds and grass. And they don’t make great big landmines like dogs do for you to step in and then track all over your house. Instead they are carefully spreading little fertilizer balls all around. Oh and you get milk from them. A Dog just barks and drools. Speaking of pets. We do have a Kitty cat. His name is BOB and he wears a pink collar with a bell. Bob is allowed indoors but also Loves to be outside. This story is not about BOB. What then? Well in the furnace room is Bob’s Kitty litter box and of course with my little boys Bob’s toilet looks like a fun sandbox to play in, complete with Lincoln logs. Just like the regular toilet looks like a little pool to play in. Well My little boys had made quite a mess in the furnace room “playing in the sand.” And one day this week I spent some time ( a lot of time actually) cleaning up that room and all of the mess that had been thrown into every nook and cranny of my furnace room. And I was feeling very much the Martyr on this day, My house was a disaster in every room and nobody seemed to be able to help me clean up. Well you can guess what happened about an hour later when I went back to my furnace room to retrieve my dust pan and broom, because I was now cleaning another room in my house, (Imagine that) and I found that the Kitty litter had been played in again and was thrown all over the room again. (I’m sure that Wyatt is my mess maker in this account). Well feeling very over whelmed and like nothing I ever did or do matters I kinda starting having a tantrum. Okay I admit I had a huge 2 year old screaming my head off crying and Kicking and throwing things around temper tantrum. I am sure that one or two or maybe even 10 profanities escaped my lips and I did manage to break my dust pan in the middle of my slamming things around. Well no one dared let me out of the time out I put myself in so as to re-clean up the room that I had previously cleaned. But when I finally did emerged seething and tearstained everyone else scattered like cock roaches when the lights are turned on, and they were busily pretending to clean up different areas of the house. I found out later that Jon caught Marcus outside of the furnace room listening in and laughing his head off. So for all of you Mom’s who have to put yourself in time out every once in a while…Just know that I put myself in time out three times that afternoon. I often think that Time out is not a punishment for little children it is an institution for Mommies so that little children will survive the wrath of their overworked never paid Moms. - Go ahead and laugh. Marcus needs someone to laugh with him.
This weekend we loaded up Stiles and Marcus and some of our siding and window displays and Headed out to the Portnuf Environment and Energy Fair. (we left the youngest 4 kids at home with my cousin Lisa) Yes it was an Earth day Tree hugger event. We don’t hug trees and our products are made from oil but we got in under the guise of Energy efficient Windows and Insulated Siding. (actually our favorite things to sell, they make us the most money) We turned one display into a fish pond for the little kids and Stiles and Marcus took turns sitting behind the little house and clipped prizes onto the fishing lines. They worked hard and were little troopers. We gave away a lot of business cards and talked to a lot of people about how to save on energy costs. Over all we had a lot of fun and I think we might try and do it again next year since there was no cost for us to be part of the free community fair and we are fooling the masses that we care.
After the Fair we went home and were soon joined by Jon’s family for an Easter Egg hunt and Hamburgers and hot dogs on the BBQ. It was much fun to watch the kids hunt for the Eggs Wyatt was even aware of the whole concept and picked up eggs and dropped them into his bucket. I got quite the work out running around trying to take pictures of each of my six kids as they were finding eggs. They are sure that this was the best Egg hunt ever and I’m and grateful that the weather was awesome and all of the kids energy was mostly spend OUTSIDE. It makes me appreciate how crazy my own parents and Aunts and Uncles must have felt when we would all descend on Grandma Woodlands house and the weather would be bad so the hunt would take place in the basement. And we used real eggs…… Yeah…sometimes we wouldn’t find all of the eggs.
This week Stiles was awarded his Bear Badge at pack night. It was a lot of fun and I am lucky to be called into the scouts and participate with all of the leaders and boys. I sometimes wonder if they will ever let me out of scouts. They say that as soon as you learn your calling they release you. So I am carefully trying to stay ignorant. But after almost 3 years now I’m beginning to get the hang of it.
I realized that I am looking my next birthday kind of square in the face. I’ve been 16 for quite a few years now and I realize that the math makes this birthday 16 doubled. So if I tell you that I am 16 years old you can just double that number and I will still be telling the truth.
There are many things to so I must finish this and let you be on about your day. Hopefully I will not need timeout today but the day is still young, and I have a killer cold.
Love , Monica and the rest of the cock roaches at the Woodin Nickel. Oh and BOB too.
Codys Missionary Adventures!
5 years ago
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