Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hillbilly BABY

Wyatt Loves to be in his Jump Up Johnny. WE caught him catching some ZZZ's.

the pine wood derby was a blast. Stiles Won in the wolf division for our pack. But I was too dumb to make sure that I had a camera. These pictures are at the District run off derby. He did not make it to the semifinals but gave the other cars in his heat a definite run for their spots.

My Hillbilly Baby Wyatt. The two opposite teeth came in first and now the other ones are pushing through. I thought I had better capture My Wyatt with his Hillbilly smile because in another month it will be gone.

1 comment:

Camille said...

HAHAHAHA! He DOES look like a Hillbilly! That is too funny! Too bad it wasn't closer to Halloween! You'd have to dress him up as a pumpkin!