Well Dallan It is November the 9th 2009. And one more week has gotten away from me. Let me see if I can remember what happened- I took all three baby boys int o get their shots. That was not fun for anybody- but it is better than the alternative.
We added a new addition to the family. On Saturday I met a guy in Idaho Falls and bought his Astro Van for $2000.00. It is gold so now I match Mom, Millie, and Crystal (when she is in the truck). I was feeling like an odd duck in the green van that mom now loves because it doesn’t hurt her to get in and out of. Anyway Jon is not sure I got a good deal. I told him to stick it in his ear. We looked at a lot of different options and while it may not be the fanciest thing on 4 wheels it fills our needs for right now. I am reminded about “This is our hill, and these are our beans” SO I guess I have a “beaner” van.
Will loves to walk and is trying out the talking bit too. He has decided to have a bit of an attitude as well. Nothing aweful, he is just trying to see if he can push it and get away with it. HE loves apples and since he does not have the teeth to chew up an apple he just chews until he has made a good apple sauce and spits it back out. I am having a party cleaning it up off of the floor.
Hunter is trying to talk. He says the word blue. And I think he might know what it is. We looked at a book together the other day that has a little duck hidden on every page. He loved to find the duck. And he is quite good at it.
Erica continues to be SO BEAUTIFUL she changes clothes twice a day and is very opinionated on how I do her hair. She was very cute in the primary program yesterday and every one giggled when she was done with her part. Mostly because Erica was giggling so hard and had a huge perm-a-grin on. She did great.
Marcus did well for his part of the program as well. He had a rather long part. It was about service and how we serve in our families. His class told about different things their families had done to serve others, the children wrote their own parts. Mailai Barlow said “My mom’s friend was going to have a baby so we took their family our roast and we had hamburgers” Poor Mailai didn’t know why every one was giggling at her part. But she drug out the word hamburgers like they were the worst thing in the world to eat. I later told her Mom, Heather that I was so sorry they had Hamburgers the day that they brought us their Roast dinner. But Heather was Grateful that they were able to serve our family and it obviously made an impression on her daughter. The Church is wonderful.
Stiles part was about temples and family history and he did his part well. They all sang but Stiles has finally gotten old enough that he knows mosts of the words to all of the songs, where Erica just knows some of the words to some of the songs and Marcus is a bit shy about singing and doesn’t move his mouth very much when he is not sure of all of the words. IT was a great program about the forever Family and I was in tears a few times during the program. I wish we could have the children teach us more than once a year. It is always such a great meeting,
Jon has been busy, working lots and hunting a little bit. He spent Saturday hunting with his brother Jason, they didn’t get anything but I think they had fun. Jon is a bit Disappointed that the Yankees won the world series- AGAIN. But I am just glad it didn’t go all 7 games. Jon is not too bumbed out that baseball is over because Basket ball is just starting and Football is in full swing. His fantasy team is not doing so bad -or so good. I just feel bad that when the banks and insurance companies and auto industry all had a financial fall out that sports didn’t fall with them. It gets a little old. -in my opinion .
I’m hanging in there by my teeth. Sometimes I use my fingernails to help out a bit. But at the end of the day there is still 4 or 5 loads of laundry to do. A batch of dishes that need washed and 6 kids and 1 husband who all want my attention and the only one I want anything to do with is spelled B-E-D !
The church is true, We pray for you always. And what is this whole don’t Die thing anyway? Isn’t the celestial Kingdom the goal- You know you got to die before you can get there you know! But we will try not to it would just ruin our day.
Love Monica and the woodin Nickel crew!
Codys Missionary Adventures!
5 years ago
1 comment:
Whew, I just got all caught up on the "Woodin Nickel" goings-ons. For some reason, my blogger home page wasn't showing me that you had blogged for the past month. Anyway- I love reading your narratives. The primary program was so awesome, wasn't it? We have a great primary, great kids, great leaders. Erica was so stinkin cute!
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