Ah HA! You have opened this hoping for some new light and knowledge to spew for from my tapping fingers. You are hoping for a laugh, a giggle, a chuckle, and perhaps a story to share with your friends about Monica and her crazy family and the dumb things that happened to them this week.
First off. School is really working for Erica. She informed us that “Dot’s have a new name they are named ‘periods’. And the Dots in a Dot-to-Dot. Are really named periods.” She tells us that sometimes the teacher has to tell her to get to work and that she needs to be quite. Next week is parent teacher conferences. I am nervous to be told that Erica needs to tone it down a bit.
Wyatt and I are getting along better with the nursing thing. People ask me if he is a good baby and I of course respond that they can believe what ever they want to believe. If they want to believe that he sleeps all through the night and politely asks for some thing to eat, and only poops his pants at 10 and at 4 then they can go ahead and believe that. Those of us with less cordial babies will continue with our 3 am feeding and the 4 am diaper and the alarm clock then going off at 6 am to get the kids out the door to school! We are getting LOTS and LOTS of sleep.
William has forced me to learn to shut the door to my bathroom. He is a full fledged toilet paper prep engineer and I am often finding the roll all prepped (unrolled) and half of it sent to it’s watery grave. The ole’ plunger has been used to unstop William’s mess my bathroom on more than one occasion. In other news he has taken a few steps but not more than two at a time. He cannot be convinced into walking back and forth between two people. Most of his steps I am sure he does unintentionally and usually between two chairs or the like. He does think that climbing into the dishwasher is a fun past time. (I think he is looking for seconds) And watching him eat of late is quite humorous or really gross depending on your point of view. Since cutting his molars he is much more efficient at the chewing process and since that realization has been made Will literally STUFFS his mouth full of food. Then soggs it up, and often realizes that there is just to much in his mouth and begins spitting it back out. (yes that is the gross part). But when he is shoving it in you would swear that the kids hasn’t eaten in days. He is shoving it in so fast! That is the part that is funny!
Hunter-- HEE HEE! Yeah well Hunter made it though another week again didn’t he! A Kitten has adopted our family. All of the Kids are deeply enthralled. They have named the said Kitty “Georgia” they all play with and hold and pet the poor cat to pieces. Hunter is totally fine with being with this kitty when it is being totally controlled by someone. But one day while the kids where at School Hunter got out of the house without me knowing and was soon screaming bloody murder. When I realized that he was outside and that his cries were hysterical!!!(understatement) I was sure that something must be dreadfully wrong. SO I tore outside to find out what had happened and Hunter is running for the house as fast as he can and the cute little kitty is following him at a dainty trot. Apparently Hunter was sure the cat was going to get him. He has had many dreadful encounters with the cat and is electing to stay indoors when the kids are at school so as to not have another run in with the cat. (It must be noted that this kitten is the most docile feline in the world. She has not scratched, bit, or clawed, one of my kids despite their manhandling of the poor thing.)
Marcus was the special person at school this last week. Apparently that is a big deal. He brought home this huge poster where the teacher had written down a list of his favorite things and that kind of thing. And all of the kids in his class colored a picture for him that he got to bring home with him. They are very treasured pictures and we are suppose to love ALL of them. I hung the huge poster up and am waiting for the opportune moment to circular file the 25 drawing sent home with him.
Stiles is of course being the best boy in the world. He is happy to do his jobs every day. His bed is always made and his room is forever clean, his homework is always done perfectly. He never fights, teases or manipulates his siblings. He does everything I ask him to do the first time and I’ve got some ocean front property I’ll sell you for dirt cheep! No honestly He is a great son and I love him dearly. We do butt heads and one day I might grow up enough to get over that. I just hope it is long before he becomes the same headstrong teenager that I was. I am defiantly running out of time!
Jon went hunting with is buddies this last weekend. He was the caller and they tried really hard to get his friends an elk but I think Billy will leave the hunt empty handed this year. While he was gone I decided that I was out of time if I wanted to have my Kitchen painted before we had everyone over for Wyatt’s baby blessing. So upon surveying the work to be done I decided that I really just needed the paint. So After Jon left for the mountains I left for Home Depot and came hope with the supplies I needed. I spent one day masking the entire room and prepping every thing that could possibly be prepped and then that night I put the kids to bed and started to actually paint I finished painting at about 3:30 that morning and I love the results. I spent the next day putting everything back together and cleaning up. Then I took cute pictures and posted them on my blogg and waited for Jon to come home. He of course had no idea that I had under taken any such project and proclaimed that he “Hated it!” I told him that since he was not willing to do the work he could not complain about the work that was done. Some moral of the story about a little red hen comes to mind. Got to love that guy though he has not said anything except that he hated it and has since left the whole thing alone. I think it will grow on him and eventually he will like it or he might be willing to help me with the next project either way I win.
The Church is true. And Families can be together for ever. (as much as you think you might be better off if you weren’t stuck with us, it is for your own good!)
Love you
Monica, Jon , Stiles, Marcus, Erica, Hunter, William, & Wyatt Woodin
Codys Missionary Adventures!
4 years ago
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