Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We hare having.....

So we will have one more mission, one more chance to wear out the already raggy blue clothes, and one less prom dress to worry about! We are excited to have another boy join our family. That makes 5 boys, for those who like to count, and Erica remains the princess. We kind of feel as if we have exausted our list of favorite boy names but nobody worry we will come up with one in time for "labor day." If anybody asks NO we are not sad or disapointed, on the other hand we are happy that everything in the ultrasound showed a very wiggly little kid with out any deformities and that he looked like a child and not a monkey or a turtle. Honestly, I had a pretty good idea this one was a boy, I would have been very surprised if it was a girl. So now you are informed and can laugh up your sleeve all you want at Jon and Monica and all their "Woodin Boys." (those of you who have cute daughters had just better watch out!)


Cindy said...


Jana said...

Ya, congrats! Boys are amazing. and how fun for little erica to be so love by all those cute brothers.

Heather said...

Woo hoo! Well, now you are raising a basketball team. ?? He'll be a cutie!