Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We hare having.....

So we will have one more mission, one more chance to wear out the already raggy blue clothes, and one less prom dress to worry about! We are excited to have another boy join our family. That makes 5 boys, for those who like to count, and Erica remains the princess. We kind of feel as if we have exausted our list of favorite boy names but nobody worry we will come up with one in time for "labor day." If anybody asks NO we are not sad or disapointed, on the other hand we are happy that everything in the ultrasound showed a very wiggly little kid with out any deformities and that he looked like a child and not a monkey or a turtle. Honestly, I had a pretty good idea this one was a boy, I would have been very surprised if it was a girl. So now you are informed and can laugh up your sleeve all you want at Jon and Monica and all their "Woodin Boys." (those of you who have cute daughters had just better watch out!)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A quick update

So Dallan, April 26, 2009

I already sent you a letter in the middle of the week but thought that a quick update letter would feel kind of like a bonus since I skipped a few weeks ago. The weather is typical-unpredictable. The Weeds are out with a vegence. I continue to hack back at my over grown gardens and landscaping, we mowed the yard this week. I had some fun with some round up yesterday, I can see the effects already today. The Apricot trees are popping popcorn and we planted some corn last FHE. I figured out most of the gadgets and controls in the greenhouse and planted some plants that will hang out in that climate controlled environment for the next 4-6 weeks until spring really arrives here in Idaho. I have to tell you that green house is really rather cool, or warm. The previous owner invested quite a bit of money into that thing. The Irrigation system is of course sprung a few leaks but thankfully I am a granddaughter of a plumber and had to work on just enough mainline and yard sprinkler system as a kid, for those leaks not to scare me in the least.
My kids continue to be kids. William with he new crawling abilities follows us around and enjoys being where we are. He is very cautious though. Many times I have found him on the very top stair (the door was suppose to be shut of course and was not) and he is just sitting there wondering if who ever he followed to that spot would reappear. He is pulling himself up in his crib. And He has decided that everyone is hilarious for some reason and wrinkles up his nose and giggles and laughs at whoever looked at him last. He did manage to cut one of this top front teeth so now he is a 3 toothed monster and I bet by this time next week the other will have cut as well.
Hunter jumps out the door to the great wide open as often as possible and despite my best (or maybe worst) efforts to make him wear a hat and a bit of sunscreen his cheeks are quite red from sun burn. We have to watch him very close when Jon leaves or even if I leave because he wants to go with us so bad that he will follow us. I have had to pull him off of the road a couple different times this week. He loves to be with the baby goat and the chickens and pets them and picks them up and carries them around. And he almost always is wearing a pair of gloves. He got his own pair for Easter but if he can’t find them Mom or Dads or any combination he can come up with will do. This has made things a bit difficult to keep matches together. This week I gave him a buzz like hair cut. Not too close but close enough that the hair is not long enough to roll into curls. He looks like a bonafide boy now, and he is quite cute, but I miss those curls!
Erica is queen of the baby goats. This week the little girl goat, beauty, died and that has just left Jasper for Erica to lavish her love on. She is my first to volunteer to go feed him. She carries his around like he is some sort of a doll and, he loves her! And will follow her all over the yard. She is figuring out words all over the place and wrote MOM on my notebook the other day and I asked her what she wrote and she looked at me like “Well can’t YOU read?” And said “I wrote the word MOM” in a matter of fact tone. We had Elena and Becca here overnight this weekend to help Camille and Jason with their move and Erica was so Jazzed to Have Elena sleep in her trundle bed and to Have a Girl Party Sleepover! Those girls played and played ad wore themselves right out!
Marcus is trying so hard to defy the cold that is spring here in Idaho and is going off to school in shorts and t-shirts When everyone else is still wearing sweaters and coats. He is a hard worker, When Stiles is not around to boss him around, and loves to be outside. Most of the time he is in the goat pasture playing in his “tree house”
Stiles is ready for school to be out! He received his first “Blue Ticket” this week for talking and disrupting the class. He claims that he and the other boy were still doing their work the whole time! Full of excuses that boy. Stiles has been a big help in the gardens and a big pain too. I now know why Mom was not ever too Keen on doing the garden thing with all of us kids and then having us do the work the right way. I am just too much of a control freak I guess.
Jon is busy, work has been picking up a bit so now he doesn’t think he will have to lay off our employees and we are very grateful for that as are our employees. I am getting rounder in the middle and huffing and puffing around as I try to do things a pregnant woman shouldn’t be trying to do. But somebody has got to keep up with this mess and nobody else is volunteering .
So this quick up date has turned out quite lengthy and I need to finish getting my little flock ready for Church! We love you and We know that the church is true- if we didn’t why in the world would we drag 5 kids to church each and every week only to entertain the congregation with the Weekly Woodin Circus!
Christ is our Savior and Pres. Monson leads His Church today. Work hard.

Love Monica!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

KIDS and Goats

Dallan This week has been busy and full and I think I’ve been sleeping standing straight up this week. On Tuesday William decided the toy hippo that was across the room was way to cool to just stare at from afar and cruised on over to check it out. Hence my new need for a barrier across the stairs to prevent fallen baby syndrome. William is an efficient little crawler but generally is content to sit in one spot where he can see the action. When he decides it is much more fun to be the action of course there will be more things to report.
The weather this week was of course unpredictable yet totally predictable IDAHO weather. We had two really nice days then 3 days of cold snow and rain. And as Murphy’s Law goes the coldest snowiest night was the night that the first of our two new dairy goats decided it would be a good time to Kid. (that means have her babies for all you non goat lovers). Jon and I were there when she delivered her two kids. It was kinda cool in a “it was a very cold night sort of way” This particular goat is in truth Fred and Katherine’s Goat. So we called Fred at about 10:30 at night and told him what was going on. Fred came over and after a while of trying to dry up and warm up the Kids we decided that it was much to cold out side and the little girl was not doing so well so we took them into the house. At about 1:30 am I left Jon and Fred to Mothering and I went to bed. Those two guys were up until well after 4:00am trying to nurse those little goats. The little girl whom Erica helped name, Beauty, had a tough night and we were not sure she would make it. But now she up and moving around the barn. The little boy , Jasper, looks like he is a whole week older that Beauty and is fairly agile and moves around the stall in the barn quite well now. Now the kicker of this whole story was I have now milked a goat. How many of my siblings can say that! I am not sure I would have milked the nanna goat but she is a crappy mommy and won’t allow the kids to nurse so we are having to milk her and then bottle feed the kids. Let me tell you what I kinda thought I was done with 4 am feedings for a while! It is not that bad, just it is taking a lot of time. The Chickens are growing with a vengeance. It is crazy to think that just 5 weeks ago they were little tiny birds in a box in the garage and now they are these great big birds.
Anyway the Weather has warmed up for a spell and we have been hard at it in the yard. We have both of our garden plots roto-tilled and manured and for FHE we plan on planting. ( I want to plant some dollar bills and see if I can’t get a money tree to grow.) I have also been hacking back at the over growth and underbrush. I managed to kill and haul to the burn pile 3 trees that were not my favorites and were growing all funny next to the house anyway. And I took the hedge trimmer (a very cool tool) and gave the bushes by the house a much needed haircut. (think buzz) Jon asked if I was going to leave anything at all. It was a very big fire in the burn pit by the time I was done with that part of the yard. The tulips I planted in the fall are coming up and a few of the preexisting daffodils have shown their bright cheerful sunny faces. By next week I should have lots of blooms everywhere.
We are counting down to the end of school. Only 6 more weeks to go. And then we will all laugh as I go insane with all of my dear children around me all of the time. Hunter has figured out how to open the door to go out of the house. This has led to real problems. Remember the snow I mentioned earlier. Well Hunter opens the door and then he and Juliet head out the door. Usually without coats and barefoot. I have to keep locking the door to keep those two ‘in’.
Erica cracked up the primary today when she was asked what her mom does for her and then after some very pensive thought she said in an exasperated tone “My Mom, buys me nice things.” almost as if she was annoyed that he mom would spoil her. I guess I will just have to quit buying her NICE things.
Stiles and Marcus realized that the fallen branches of the weeping willow tree make EXCELLENT crafting material for bow and arrow’s. They spent most of the weekend shooting their arrows and testing new bow specimens. Erica even had a bow and quiver of arrows by the end of the weekend. The usual “no toys at the table” was replaced with “No weapons at the table”
I survived my last preschool group this week. It has been fun working with those kids but I am very glad I have no more turns to be the teacher. I am glad that next year Hunter will be too young to be included in any preschool group to be arranged this next fall. Erica has really learned quite a lot the last few months of preschool and knows most of her letters now. I think she will be enter Kindergarten this fall leaps and bounds ahead of her brothers but I think it is mostly because she is a girl.
Jon and I still like each other and that is a good thing. We have a testimony of our Savior and we try to do what is right. We are proud of you and pray for you always. Keep up the good work and we will keep up the crazy stories for your entertainment.
Monica and Jon and all those Woodin Nickel Kids.
P.S. “Didn’t anybody ever tell you not to take any woodin nickels!”

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and Stiles

Dear Dallan and to all those who are looking for a good laugh at my expense. ( you know I really should make you pay for those expenses.) anyway the Easter Bunny Hopped on by at our house and Jon and I could have fed Stiles to that accursed bunny. Or at least let the bunny hop ON HIM for a while. Of course getting excited sugar highed Kids to bed is never easy but just when you are sure every one is settled down and Jon and I are industriously shoving candy into plastic eggs and all other Easter prizes are strew about who do you think has to stick his head in and let us know that Hunter is not asleep yet! “Yes Stiles thought it his oldest brother duty to check everything out. After much scolding and promises of a rosy bottom if Stiles did not find his said bottom back in bed this instant Jon and I went back to putting baskets together. As Tradition declares the baskets MUST be hidden some where. So the Easter Bunny hid Stiles in the cupboard with the tools. Marcus found its way in with the phone books. Erica’s was in the window seat where she spends much time coloring and cutting up paper . William’s was under the rocking chair that he is usually left by and Much to the genius of the hour Hunter’s basket found it’s way into the fridge since Hunter manages to help himself to the fridge many times every day. The tired Bunny and Jon crawl into bed and are soon bounced out of bed by Stiles at 1:11 am With shouts of” Happy Easter! And here Mom William is crying so I brought him to you” while he flicked on two more lights! The Easter Bunny’s very quickly became Easter Bears and Violent threats where made. I settled down William again and Marcus who had been woke up with Stiles merriment and Then Turned off what felt like every light in the house. Soon I was tucked back in bed with the Easter Bear and grumbling we fell asleep. AT 2:27am “MOM! I am Hungry, will you make me something to eat” Both Easter Bears have now morphed into prehistoric creatures and are roaring for “STILES TO GET BACK IN BED.” But then the mommy gene kicked in. Hey Stiles if you are really hungry why don’t you get your self a yogurt and then go back to bed. As soon As I heard the Fridge open I knew my mistake for there in the fridge right next to the yogurt was a very festive Easter Basket. Jon realizing my stupidity and feeling hungry himself when and had a midnight snack with Stiles and made sure Stiles went right back to bed after the before mentioned snack. Thankfully they did not start really knocking around the house until about 6:30 on Easter morning and they were again told that there was no way in this world that Mommy would be fixing breakfast before 8:30 and they were welcome to find their baskets and eat whatever candy they wanted to. So the nights become short when your oldest is so wound up with anticipation he can not find any good reason to stay in bed.
Oh and to make our Easter Sunday even better somebody (ahem-Stiles) turned off the oven and when we got home from Church the ham and Potatoes were not cooked. My family thought they were going to starve to death as they waited for dinner to FINNALLY be ready.
In other news William is closer to crawling than he was last week. But not much closer than he was 4 weeks ago. Hunter is no closer to potty training than he was at birth. Erica is registered for Kindergarten next fall and eagerly anticipates attending the school . Marcus is often found outside with either the Chickens or the goats and his imagination is a vivid as it ever was. Stiles does deserved to be bragged about. His Reflections project he did in the fall recently won an “Award of Merit” at the state level. Three Kids from His school won at the state level. In fact the Kid that placed just higher than Stiles and is going to Nationals is a Kid Stiles knows from school. Anyway I am getting fat again and I am often belly aching about my belly aching. I will find out if my baby is a Boy, Girl, Money or a Turtle on the 28th of this month. Jon is busy “homesteading” with the chickens, goats and horses. I think he should be doing other things like painting my kitchen but that of course is not “Necessary.” (if you didn’t read the bitter vibe perhaps you should go back and read it again)
Anyway we love you and pray for you always, The Church is true. Jesus is our Savior. And we have a living prophet today. Work hard and watch out for those tulips and daffodils. (they seem to be popping up every where around here)

Love Monica and rest the Woodin’s

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bragging about Stiles

This Fall Stiles entered a project for the school reflections program. This is an art Program that awards kids in about 10 different categories such as dance, music, poetry, written essays, film, and photography. The theme this year was WOW! Stiles really wanted to enter in the photography category so I set him lose. He took pictures of everything but in the end decided to put together in story board form a picture of a Caterpillar, a Chrysalis, and a Butterfly. He titled his work "Change." He won at his school and it was sent into the State competition. I just found out that he won an "Award of Merit" at the State level! Although his work will not go on to Nationals we are very proud of him and wanted to brag about it.
So here are the pictures he took. Hope you enjoy them!

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6th 2009 Conference

This is my letter to Dallan. Sorry I havn't blogged for forever. But I've just been L-A-Z-Y!Dallan, April 6th 2009
So I have no real good excuse for my lack of writing. I am no longer feeling sick. Hunter has not made 3 hour clean up messes in a matter of seconds, lately. And I have not succumbed to as many long naps as this poor old mommy would have liked. However since I have been neglectful I will have to just sum up most of what has happened in the past three weeks. So here we go.
We have acquired egg laying baby, chickens, and Soon to deliver their Kids, milking goats. They have caused much stink, and excitement at our house, as well as an increased mandate for everyone to make sure they wash their hands. It of course got really warm outside and we did some yard work only to have the spring snows come and make everything look like Christmas again. We are loving the moisture and the rain but the storms are causing flooding problems in other states.
During spring break week we spent some time in Utah we took in a Jazz game and bought a new to us dinning table so that Camille and Jason can have theirs back when they finally close on their new house. We also did a bedroom shift and Moved Stiles to the basement and Moved William in with Marcus. Jon is grateful to not have the Baby in our bedroom any more but Marcus has had to deal with some crying in the night. But William is mostly being ignored in the night by everyone and is sleeping mostly through the night, Or at least not crying loud enough to wake anybody up. Hunter and Erica still share a room.
With the lack of vomiting on my end my hormones did a major swing that has affected my hair color and it is very much toward the red shade of life right now. I am not sure I am crazy about my new look. If a few of the little wrinkles around my eyes had managed to disappear I might have thought it was an okay deal. At lest I am not throwing up any more, the heartburn is beginning to kick in though.
I went home for a day and met up with Mom, Emily, and Cody, and attended the baby shower for Taralee and then later that day went to Christine Teleford’s Bridal shower. It was a fun day to see so many family and friends.
Juliet and I have been having fun hanging out together. Erica is really truly the babysitter when JET is here. Jet is so fast at TP ing my house, emptying a drawer, or putting something or things in her mouth. I am often asking her to spit it out and to my surprise she is holding 37 cents in change in her mouth as well a paper clip for filing her taxes later. She is pretty cool with the idea that she spend her days with her mean old aunt. I think she would like her visits more if She wasn’t having to deal with her cousins so much.
Stiles and Marcus continue to enjoy school. Marcus’s reading skills are growing in leap and bounds and Stiles is impressing me with the amount of words he can read now. For the most Part Stiles reads his AR books to himself on the bus. But when we sit down to read the scripture and he just flies right through words like atonement , covenant, Jerusalem and Zarahemla. Jon and I are duly impressed.
Hunter’s Vocabulary is growing. Still it is way behind cute little girls with pig tails who ask for a drink in polite sentences with please and thank you. He can point to and name most body parts his favorite is to point to a name his butt. I have never prompted this and neither has Jon but I think we have threatened that part of the body enough times for him to have made the connection of name and place.
We enjoyed Conference. This was the first time in my whole married life that we were able to get the signal at our home a watch it. It was a blessing not to have to be at someone else’s house or the church to watch it. And I think both sets of Grandparents would silently agree. The funny thing was that with the new digital broadcasting we were able to get both the English and Spanish feed. Jon though it was funny to watch the Spanish feed and see if he could figure out what they were saying. (remember he has no Spanish education) He though he was so smart when he recognized them saying “the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” I told him he was a weirdo and made him change it back to English.
I am always excited to hear from you and we are glad that you seem to be enjoying your mission. Work hard and remember that we pray for you always. The Church is true. President Monson is our prophet to day. And Christ is our Savior. Stay true!

Love Monica and Jon. Stiles, Marcus, Erica, Hunter, William, and Baby.