This is my letter to Dallan. Sorry I havn't blogged for forever. But I've just been L-A-Z-Y!Dallan, April 6th 2009
So I have no real good excuse for my lack of writing. I am no longer feeling sick. Hunter has not made 3 hour clean up messes in a matter of seconds, lately. And I have not succumbed to as many long naps as this poor old mommy would have liked. However since I have been neglectful I will have to just sum up most of what has happened in the past three weeks. So here we go.
We have acquired egg laying baby, chickens, and Soon to deliver their Kids, milking goats. They have caused much stink, and excitement at our house, as well as an increased mandate for everyone to make sure they wash their hands. It of course got really warm outside and we did some yard work only to have the spring snows come and make everything look like Christmas again. We are loving the moisture and the rain but the storms are causing flooding problems in other states.
During spring break week we spent some time in Utah we took in a Jazz game and bought a new to us dinning table so that Camille and Jason can have theirs back when they finally close on their new house. We also did a bedroom shift and Moved Stiles to the basement and Moved William in with Marcus. Jon is grateful to not have the Baby in our bedroom any more but Marcus has had to deal with some crying in the night. But William is mostly being ignored in the night by everyone and is sleeping mostly through the night, Or at least not crying loud enough to wake anybody up. Hunter and Erica still share a room.
With the lack of vomiting on my end my hormones did a major swing that has affected my hair color and it is very much toward the red shade of life right now. I am not sure I am crazy about my new look. If a few of the little wrinkles around my eyes had managed to disappear I might have thought it was an okay deal. At lest I am not throwing up any more, the heartburn is beginning to kick in though.
I went home for a day and met up with Mom, Emily, and Cody, and attended the baby shower for Taralee and then later that day went to Christine Teleford’s Bridal shower. It was a fun day to see so many family and friends.
Juliet and I have been having fun hanging out together. Erica is really truly the babysitter when JET is here. Jet is so fast at TP ing my house, emptying a drawer, or putting something or things in her mouth. I am often asking her to spit it out and to my surprise she is holding 37 cents in change in her mouth as well a paper clip for filing her taxes later. She is pretty cool with the idea that she spend her days with her mean old aunt. I think she would like her visits more if She wasn’t having to deal with her cousins so much.
Stiles and Marcus continue to enjoy school. Marcus’s reading skills are growing in leap and bounds and Stiles is impressing me with the amount of words he can read now. For the most Part Stiles reads his AR books to himself on the bus. But when we sit down to read the scripture and he just flies right through words like atonement , covenant, Jerusalem and Zarahemla. Jon and I are duly impressed.
Hunter’s Vocabulary is growing. Still it is way behind cute little girls with pig tails who ask for a drink in polite sentences with please and thank you. He can point to and name most body parts his favorite is to point to a name his butt. I have never prompted this and neither has Jon but I think we have threatened that part of the body enough times for him to have made the connection of name and place.
We enjoyed Conference. This was the first time in my whole married life that we were able to get the signal at our home a watch it. It was a blessing not to have to be at someone else’s house or the church to watch it. And I think both sets of Grandparents would silently agree. The funny thing was that with the new digital broadcasting we were able to get both the English and Spanish feed. Jon though it was funny to watch the Spanish feed and see if he could figure out what they were saying. (remember he has no Spanish education) He though he was so smart when he recognized them saying “the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” I told him he was a weirdo and made him change it back to English.
I am always excited to hear from you and we are glad that you seem to be enjoying your mission. Work hard and remember that we pray for you always. The Church is true. President Monson is our prophet to day. And Christ is our Savior. Stay true!
Love Monica and Jon. Stiles, Marcus, Erica, Hunter, William, and Baby.