Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hunters latest mess

Jon and I stayed up and watched a movie and apparently Hunter thought he could stay up to. After the movie we found a mess in the hallway. He had dumped out a can of Williams formula (yes I know AGAIN) And pulled out all the wipes and wadded each one up and strew them about. But the best/worst part of the mess was the strawberries. I had just brought home some strawberries and he had got them out of the fridge. As I was picking them back up I decided that he must have eaten about 5 of the berries but I could only find evidence that he had eaten 2. Well the next morning I found out where the other 3 berries were. He had placed one berry next to each of his sleeping siblings. HE was sharing! or trying to plant evidence on his brothers and sister. He really is a good kid, Just a total Tasmanian devil. Oh and one more mess was while my visiting teachers where here and I was complaining to them his magnitude of mess making skills he got out the instant oatmeal packs and exploded about half of them in the boys room. And then he smiles so sweet! I just don't know what to do with that kid!


Cindy said...

I am not a fan of child leashes but maybe in this case...LOL. JK You just love him and know that this too will pass.

Jana said...

sounds like you need to put the formula under lock and key :) just think... it will get warmer and they can go crazy outside!!!