Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Hunter!

Hunter is 2 years old today! He is hard at work making messes and refusing to talk. I thought I would post some pictures of him. Enjoy!

Don't know why This one came up twice. Maybe because he is 2


RaelynB. said...

Hey Monica! I love your write -up about Hawaii. maybe you can give me a copy. I wrote about it in my journal, but you have a lot better detail. We sure had fun w/ you guys. I had a blast! I loved your story about how you came home and had to mop the floor and Hunter dumping flour all over. You can't get a better welcome home than that. There's no easing into real life, your just thrown right in. ha ha. Have a great day! oh ya! Happy birthday Hunter!! Your a QT!

Cindy said...

Now that you are 2 you can make double the messes!lol jk