Our Handful of Children

Hunter, William, and Wyatt

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sweetheart Tag

Each person answers questions about their sweethearts.

At the end of the post, the person then tags 6 people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged.

What is your husbands name? Jonathan Stiles Woodin

How long have you guys been married? 9 years 5 months

How long did you date? IT was very short. We went on our first date in November and were engaged Feb 20th, then we were married in June.

How old is he? Jon is 31 and complaing about being a old man and falling apart. I love his birthday. It is the same day as Erica's and His age this decade will always add up to be her age. I did miss him in the Hospital that day though.

Who is taller? Jon is taller, and I love it!

Who can sing best? We try not to.

Who is smarter? We have our own strenghts and weekness. He is awesome in Math, I can barely add. I love English, But Jon is horrible at english. He makes the money I spend it. We balance each other out.

Who does laundry? I do the mountain of laundry all day, every day. He will wash his hunting clothes though So I won't "stink them up with that fabric softner stuff". Hey I don't do specialty loads. He did do a ton of Laundry when we moved and I Had William all on the same week. That was major and he still thinks he should get a medal for it.

Who pays the bills? Jon takes care of the business. and I take care of the house. But He usally does more than his fair share.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, He sleeps on the wrong side and does every night we get in a fight.

Who mows the lawn? Jon thinks it is his job, but loves for me to do it. I don't mind.

Who cooks dinner? I do, and Lunch and Breakfast, and after school snack, and mid morning snack. NO wonder we are putting on weight.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? We just quit talking to each other until I get a chance to take a nap because I am usually wrong, especailly when I am tired. But we never admit any wrongness. we only apologize for being stubborn. WE are NEVER wrong.

Who kissed who first? Jon kissed me and I was mad at him about it. He only kissed me on the forhead but He wasn't suppose to do anything like that. -The bugger.

Who wears the pants? He wears the pants, But I fight with him every day for that role-I am a control freak.

Thanks Shawna for the Tag

I tag Wendy, Heather, Camille, Crystal, My Mom, and Cody.


Cindy said...

I have learned allot of things I didn't know about you two. I love it!

Heather said...

Cute! I could just hear you saying that stuff! I love the "WE are NEVER wrong" part! This should be fun!

RaelynB. said...

Monica! I love your blog. It was fun to learn more about you two. Your kids are so cute! Scott tells me your house and property is awesome! I'll have to come see it. have a great day. Raelyn